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Our goals and our approach

In mid-2023, amendos had its academy audited by TÜV-Nord in accordance with ISO 29993, the international standard for learning services. Our goal was to ensure that our training courses are always up-to-date for our customers and to guarantee optimized registration. We also wanted to ensure professional preparation, implementation, follow-up and invoicing of our training course events at all times.

To achieve this, we put a lot of work into the intelligent implementation of the requirements specified in ISO 29993. The effort involved has paid off: the audit by TÜV-Nord has confirmed that we have met all requirements from the outset. TÜV-Nord will audit and recertify us annually to ensure that this remains the case.

Benefits for you

Our ISO 29993-compliant organization ensures the high quality of our training course products and academy processes.

In detail, this means for you



  • geared to the current training needs of the market,
  • designed with high quality standards,
  • constantly updated and optimized,
  • coordinated in terms of content.


  • ensure that you can easily find the right training course,
  • your questions about training courses are answered appropriately by us,
  • you can register for a training course quickly and securely,
  • every training course event is perfectly prepared for you and handled professionally,
  • you receive all the necessary information about the event timely,
  • the training courses you attend are billed correctly and professionally,
  • your feedback is incorporated into the further development of our training courses.